Tag Archives: IL

Which Way to Go

Day 324Day 324 (November 21, 2014) – Chicago, IL

That’s me in the photo…trying to navigate space and time. I’m here and there and nowhere. I am a voyeur.  The camera shields me from the world. I freeze moments with each press of the shutter release, but I’m not there….I’m not in the moment. I don’t experience the world in the same way. My mind is constantly racing…triggered by what I see and sometimes what I don’t. Sometimes I feel lost. I don’t know where I’m going and I’m not sure that I’m looking for direction.

A Train Runs Through It

Day 323 BW webDay 323 (November 20, 2014) – Chicago, IL

The train rumbled across old worn tracks breaking the not so silent sounds of cold city streets. A thunderous roar and screeching metal echoed off the walls of endless skyscrapers.  I wanted to shield my frozen ears from the sound. I don’t know how people do it. To think every 15 or 25 minutes these trains crisscross through the city on elevated tracks brutally announcing their arrival only the way a speeding box of steel can. People on the streets walk briskly trying to get to their next destination…and trying to escape the cold.  They don’t pay attention to  the train overhead. This is just one of the sounds of the busy city to them. And it’s Chicago. People here are a little bit harder.  They deal with extremes.  100 plus degree summers and subzero snowy winters. It’s about 18 degrees right now and it’s business as usual.


DAY 190_WB-9Day 190 (July 10, 2014) – Chicago, IL

I don’t know his story. I didn’t get to have a conversation this time. I was busy. Just like everyone else. I didn’t notice him at first. He was invisible. They always are. I only noticed him out of the corner of my eye. I was stopped at a light waiting to cross the street. I’ll never know his story, but I want to. I have to get to my meeting. I’ll go back and drop a dollar in his cup. I hope. I have to.